What to include:
- Your review should focus on specific features of the item and your experience with it.
- The best reviews include not only whether you liked or disliked a item, but also why. Feel free to mention related items and how this item rates in comparison to them.
What not to include:
The Plasma TV Buying is proud to provide this forum for you to air your opinions on the items we feature. While we appreciate your time and comments, we respectfully request that you refrain from including the following in your review:
- Single-word reviews. We want to know why you liked or disliked the item.
- Commenting on other reviews visible on the page. Other reviews and their position on the page are subject to change without notice.
- Profanity, obscenities, or spiteful remarks.
- Any review in violation of these guidelines will not be posted.
* Note, this is a product review, click here to submit a plasma, DLP, LCD or projector dealer review.
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